If You’re Going to Steal Wheels, You Better Use Jack Stands
There was once a time when new cars didn’t come with great looking wheels. The norm was black steel wheels with ugly hubcaps or premium wheels that were maybe 16 or 17 inches in size. Nowadays, however, manufacturers have taken note of the general public’s love for larger and flashier wheels, and that’s why so many new models come with 18- to 20-inch wheels in various designs that are polished aluminum or chrome. In retrospect, the auto industry took the same kind of note when it comes to stock audio systems, but that’s another story for another time. Today, I’m here to talk about a car thief who lost his life trying to steal a set of wheels from a brand new at a dealership in Canton Ohio.
This attempted theft is one of many wheel thefts that have occurred recently, with the most prominent theft being 45 sets of wheels from a dealership in a San Antonio Suburb last November. As for this attempted robbery, the thief was attempting to lift the vehicle with what I assume to be a cheap scissor jack or a jack that wasn’t suitable for lifting a heavy Yukon when the vehicle fell off of the jack and somehow impacted his head – likely causing instant death.
The craziest part about this specific accident is that it was unnoticed for a period of time. According to various sources, the dealership opened as usual that morning, and conducted business as usual until a car that was blocking the gruesome view was moved, exposing those in charge to the aftermath of a wheel theft gone horribly wrong. The Canton Repository has identified the man as 43-year-old Richard E. Ritch and the dealership as Ron Marhofer .
Despite the weird turn of events that Saturday morning, the dealership continued business as usual that day. Eventually, the Yukon was inspected and found to be free of damage. Research indicates that once the matter is closed by local law enforcement, the dealer will be able to sell the vehicle as it usual would without having to disclose its “deadly” history.
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If You’re Going to Steal Wheels, You Better Use Jack Stands
There was once a time when new cars didn’t come with great looking wheels. The norm was black steel wheels with ugly hubcaps or premium wheels that were maybe 16 or 17 inches in size. Nowadays, however, manufacturers have taken note of the general public’s love for larger and flashier wheels, and that’s why so many new models come with 18- to 20-inch wheels in various designs that are polished aluminum or chrome. In retrospect, the auto industry took the same kind of note when it comes to stock audio systems, but that’s another story for another time. Today, I’m here to talk about a car thief who lost his life trying to steal a set of wheels from a brand new at a dealership in Canton Ohio.
This attempted theft is one of many wheel thefts that have occurred recently, with the most prominent theft being 45 sets of wheels from a dealership in a San Antonio Suburb last November. As for this attempted robbery, the thief was attempting to lift the vehicle with what I assume to be a cheap scissor jack or a jack that wasn’t suitable for lifting a heavy Yukon when the vehicle fell off of the jack and somehow impacted his head – likely causing instant death.
The craziest part about this specific accident is that it was unnoticed for a period of time. According to various sources, the dealership opened as usual that morning, and conducted business as usual until a car that was blocking the gruesome view was moved, exposing those in charge to the aftermath of a wheel theft gone horribly wrong. The Canton Repository has identified the man as 43-year-old Richard E. Ritch and the dealership as Ron Marhofer .
Despite the weird turn of events that Saturday morning, the dealership continued business as usual that day. Eventually, the Yukon was inspected and found to be free of damage. Research indicates that once the matter is closed by local law enforcement, the dealer will be able to sell the vehicle as it usual would without having to disclose its “deadly” history.
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If You’re Going to Steal Wheels, You Better Use Jack Stands