Cory Texter Racing Prepares for the 2017 American Flat Track Season

Cory Texter Racing Prepares for the 2017 American Flat Track Season

Texter looks forward to a successful season with the wide range of support backing him up

The Cory Texter Racing team announces plans for the 2017 American Flat Track season. The variety of support backing Texter promises an exciting season.

Cory Texter Racing Prepares for the 2017 American Flat Track Season


Texter looks forward to a successful season with the wide range of support backing him up

The Cory Texter Racing team announces plans for the 2017 American Flat Track season. The variety of support backing Texter promises an exciting season.

Cory Texter Racing Prepares for the 2017 American Flat Track Season

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