Two Enthusiasts Podcast #28 – Getting Cranky

Two Enthusiasts Podcast #28 – Getting Cranky

Episode 28 of the Two Enthusiasts Podcast starts with some recent news: the closure of Skully and the near-passage of California’s lane-splitting law. The conversation about Skully quickly moves from the failed startup, to a broader conversation about helmet design and the progress of technology in this space. The show then turns […]

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Two Enthusiasts Podcast #28 – Getting Cranky


Episode 28 of the Two Enthusiasts Podcast starts with some recent news: the closure of Skully and the near-passage of California’s lane-splitting law. The conversation about Skully quickly moves from the failed startup, to a broader conversation about helmet design and the progress of technology in this space. The show then turns […]

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Two Enthusiasts Podcast #28 – Getting Cranky

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